Christian thoughts

Random thoughts from a Christian perspective. Everything from family, religion, politics, outdoors, etc. Let me know if there's a topic you want me to address!

Location: Kansas City, Kansas, United States

I live in K.C. with my wife, Kim, and our 5 kids (which we homeschool). I've been a believer in Jesus Christ since 1993.

Monday, December 12, 2005

Latest news and a couple misc. updates

Well, I got a phone call on Friday (12/2) and found out I've been selected as one of the ten panelists for the Midwest Voices column in the Op/Ed section of the Sunday Kansas City Star for 2006! Woo-Hoo!! I go downtown to sign my first freelance contract and get my photo taken. Now the entire Kansas City metro area gets to experience what my friends, family and co-workers have had to put up with for opinion! I'm really excited and am looking forward to this opportunity (the $75 per article won't hurt either). I figure I'll be doing one about every ten weeks and will see about being able to post them on my blog after they've been published.
Now for the updates...the venison from my buck is very tasty indeed. Very little noticable "gaminess." We've had roast, stew, chili, steaks and venison chunks in gravy over noodles. My wife does an excellent job of cooking it and my kids eat it up.
I ended up only going out one time during the regular rifle season due to schedule issues but still have the extended season in January to fill my doe tag.
I've put my resume in with Brooks Brothers men's clothing to run the new store they're putting in about 15 minutes from my house but I haven't heard back from them yet; but my Regional Manager at Jos. A. Bank has expressed an interest in getting me into management there. We'll see how things go, but I'd really like to be doing something else within the next 6 months. This two-jobs stuff is wearing on me and is cutting into my family time.
Beginning this Sunday I'll be teaching a 6-week course at our church on the prayers of the Gospels and the later New Testament (N.T. minus Paul). I'll try to get some notes posted regarding that as time allows.


Blogger Paul said...

Hey Jim, congratulations (on the column)! If I had any guts I'd look at doing something similar. I wonder how big a piece of your mind they'll really let you share?

10:27 AM  

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