Christian thoughts

Random thoughts from a Christian perspective. Everything from family, religion, politics, outdoors, etc. Let me know if there's a topic you want me to address!

Location: Kansas City, Kansas, United States

I live in K.C. with my wife, Kim, and our 5 kids (which we homeschool). I've been a believer in Jesus Christ since 1993.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

General Goings-on

I know I haven't posted in a little while. I'm in a bit of a funk lately. Things have been really slow at my primary job the last couple of weeks and I'm getting frustrated. During my down-times (which have been frequent) I find myself wondering if I'm in the right place. I'm becoming less and less satisfied with where I am, but have very little time to do anything about it. Between my regular job, my part-time job, 5 kids and church activities I barely have time to sleep!
I have done this much, though:
1) I sent my resume in to two different companies for a position as a writer of academic research papers. (pay is anywhere from $8/pg to $20/pg)
2) I've been looking into starting a freelance writing career. I've begun taking some of the things I've already written to see what may be viable material.
Hopefully things will get better soon.


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