Christian thoughts

Random thoughts from a Christian perspective. Everything from family, religion, politics, outdoors, etc. Let me know if there's a topic you want me to address!

Location: Kansas City, Kansas, United States

I live in K.C. with my wife, Kim, and our 5 kids (which we homeschool). I've been a believer in Jesus Christ since 1993.

Friday, April 29, 2005


I was browsing in a local bookstore today and found a book that touted itself as an "expose of the 'Christian right.'" It caught my attention so I flipped through a few pages. It consisted of about 6 or 8 articles attacking conservative Christians and comparing them to radical extremist Muslims. The only thing that comes to my mind in perusing this vitriol is that the authors have absolutely NO idea of what biblical Christianity is about. If a person were truly a "radical extremist" Christian, that person would be the most perfect citizen (regardless of the country they live in) and the most loving and tender person one could imagine!
What get's the hackles up on those who find themselves thinking like the authors represented in this book is the exclusivity of Christianity. If biblical (not 'extremist') Christians do not allow them to re-make the God of the Bible after their own fashioning then such Christians are labeled as "intolerant" and "dangerous." And yet they cannot understand what biblical Christianity is about because their foolish minds are darkened and have not been regenerated by the power of the Spirit of God. Still, this type of rhetoric must be addressed, lest the foolish minds that read the ravings of these foolish minds will be convinced of the "danger" of Christianity. I believe that I may yet return to that store and purchase the book. Not that I desire to put money in the pockets of the writers and editor, but in order to study their position more fully so that I may dismantle their straw-man arguments that the name of Christ would be glorified in the face of their godless efforts. More on this later.

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