Christian thoughts

Random thoughts from a Christian perspective. Everything from family, religion, politics, outdoors, etc. Let me know if there's a topic you want me to address!

Location: Kansas City, Kansas, United States

I live in K.C. with my wife, Kim, and our 5 kids (which we homeschool). I've been a believer in Jesus Christ since 1993.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Relativism Colapses Under Its Own Arguments

Well, I've finally been published! My first article ran this past Saturday in the Kansas City Star. The link is here. Out of the first 13 responses forwarded to me by my editor there were 3 positive reponses and 10 negative with a couple of the negative being downright nasty (comparisons with Iranian mullahs, white supremacists, Al Qaida operatives and holocaust deniers). I may take some time to respond to some of these replies in the coming days here on the blog, as well as any comments that are left here on the blog.


Blogger Paul said...

These responses you've gotten imply that you are "wrong" in your assessment (of whatever it is they think you're saying). Not only that, but it seems they think you are wrong to the point of being "evil." This should imply that they are not, in fact, moral relativists. Therefore, they are implicitly agreeing with your thesis that relativism is indeed wrong.

I suspect the real problem is that they believe that homosexuality, abortion, and/or assisted suicide are actually "good" things, and this is why they are getting so upset. Well, they may or may not be objectively good, but that debate cannot even be had unless they first accept objective morality. If they reject that, then they have nothing in which to appeal for their condemnation of you. You can just as legitimately say "Who are you to say that I can't find XYZ distasteful in my own worldview? Why are you pushing your personal opinions on me?" I think they instinctively know that they don't have a rational leg to stand on and this is exactly why they resort to character assassination instead.

Maybe the best reciprocal low-brow response would be to say, "So, are you saying that there's something really, objectively wrong with being an Al Qaida operative or holocaust denier?"

9:09 AM  
Blogger Jim V. said...

That's exactly the point I was making. Many of those responding got sidetracked on the sample issue I used (homosexuality), but missed the main point that there must be objective moral standards for society to continue to exist.

11:02 AM  
Blogger Paul said...

You can't make principled points with these people if you clearly come out against their sacred cows. They're only interested in reason so long as it appears to serve their cause, and some not at all.

11:13 AM  

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