Christian thoughts

Random thoughts from a Christian perspective. Everything from family, religion, politics, outdoors, etc. Let me know if there's a topic you want me to address!

Location: Kansas City, Kansas, United States

I live in K.C. with my wife, Kim, and our 5 kids (which we homeschool). I've been a believer in Jesus Christ since 1993.

Thursday, April 02, 2009

Sign of the Times's been a while since I've done this. But after reading this I had to comment. I got the link to this article from the daily Link List e-mailed out by the office of Dr. Albert Mohler:
In a Recession, Abortions Are Not a Bad Choice

I had a few questions to think about after reading this.

If a fetus is not a person then what is it? It has all the DNA of a human being, so it's not a dog, cat, horse or fish. So what is it then? Are we making decisions of "personhood" based upon subjective criteria that haven't been proven one way or the other? (i.e. self-consciousness, ability to feel pain, etc.) If so, then where do we draw the line down the road? If the child had already been born, what then? Would it be fine for them to have the baby killed? Maybe not if it's a year old, but what about a month? Two weeks? Two days? Since we have such limited knowledge, the safe, and ethical, way to go would be to give the "fetus" the benefit of the doubt and let it live. If Bonnie Erbe has a problem with these families being a burden on "the system" she can protest the ever-growing taxes the government is robbing her of to subsidize them.

I've written more on this in another article here.

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